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Hello breeders today I checked about 50 birds 

I put them through the loading crate to check  the 9th and 10th 

Out of the 50 birds I checked everything is coming out good flights are about

Halfway through. Health has been good I am trying my best to keep it that way .

Looks like maybe in about 3 more weeks I will be able to let them out again.

Any questions don't hesitate to call me I'm always a phone call away.

Thank you have a blessed day....

Espero SE encuentren Bien al leer Esto. 

Hoy por la mañana mire como 50 Palomas una por una

Todo VA Bien las alas ya casi van por la mitad ,

La salud ESTA Bien y estamos travajando duro para que SE mantenga asi

Talbes en una's tres semanas mas las podremos sacar a bolar Otra ves .

Cual quier pregunta no dude en llamar . 

Gracias  bendiciones . 


Race is closed

Thank you participants

Good luck 

La Carrera ESTA serrada

Gracias participantes



Hello breeders

Weather finally gave us a break

I let birds out for the first time 

I can say that 70% of the birds are out I will try to let them out again tomorrow if  weather lets me . 

Also we stop accepting birds end of May if you haven't sent yours please do so .

Replacements I will take  only first week of June.

Thank you guys happy Thursday 


Hope everything is going well

Happy Monday everyone, we have removed the net

I was gonna let birds out may 6 but weather has been bad over here

Once we get a chance I will let them out , I will not force any bird out 

I will just open the trap and let them do whatever they want ,I will post a live video 

On my Facebook. Thank you guys will keep you posted.

Feliz lunes espero Todo Este Bien con ustedes 

Ya removinos la red solo estamos esperando un buen dia para 

Sacarlos , subire UN video en vivo ya que las saquemos. Gracias 


Hello everyone welcome to Jerry's one loft race

Hope everyone is doing well

Just want to say that birds are doing good.

Thank you to last year breeders and I want  welcome the new .

If you have any questions don't hesitate to call me I'm always a phone call away.

Thank you 🙏

End of may I will stop receiving birds .


Hola atodos espero esten Bien

 Bien benidos a Jerry's one loft race

Solo Queria desirles que las aves estan muy Bien 

Gracias a los criadores del año pasado y sen Bien benidos los nuevos.

Si tienen algunas pregunta no duden en llamar siempre estamos disponibles 

En mayo dejo de aseptar Palomas .

Gracias  🙏


Hello breeders just want to say thank you for your support we will stop receiving birds end of may . All the birds are doing great, we are grateful for the health and your response. 
Looking forward to work for you . If you haven't signed up there's still time 
I'f you have any questions don't hesitate to call me.
Thank you have a blessed day 🙏

Hello breeders quick update we are not full, and we are taking birds till the end of May. thank you . if any questions don't hesitate to call me.                                                                                                                        Hola criadores anuncio rapido dejamos de recivir pichones asta finales de Mayo . aun no estamos yenos y aun ay tiempo de mandar sus pichones . cual quier pregunta no duden en yamar . gracias 
OPEN FOR BUSINESS Hello everyone! 02\01\2023 will start taking birds. I want to say thanks for choosing us.  like always I want you to know I will be as transparent as possible. I will try to post videos of everything also for those who asked If i will show a video of the inside of the loft before every race seems like you'll like that part when we had the final race. (That shows that there is no bird inside the loft.)    yes, I will...                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Hola criadores 02\01\2023 estaremos reciviendo pichones . quiero darle las gracias por escojer esta carrera . como siempre yo quiero que sepan que sere lo mas trasparente posible. les estare monstrando videos de todo lo que hacemos. tambien para los que me preguntan que si voy a mostrar video del palomar en la final para acesorar que no hay ninguna paloma escondida en el palomar claro que si y con mucho gusto.. 

Hello breeders hope everything is well , i want to thank you for considreing us . I am more then happy to work for you again , I will try to keep you informed as much as i can, also if you want to see videos and daily updates on my facebook page You can find me at  {Jerrys1loftrace} if you have any questions dont hesitate to call me Im always a phone call away. thank you looking forward talking to you ...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Hola criadores espero todo este bien , quiero darles las gracias por considerarnos . Yo estoy mas que contento de travar para ustedes otra ves . tratare de mantenerlos informados  y si quieren ver videos y anuncios diarios me pueden encontrar en facebook como { Jerrys1loftrace} si tiene alguna pregunta no dude en llamar , siempre estoy al otro lado del telefono . gracias esperamos su llamada 




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