Any Clock - Update the Missing or Lost Birds on My Bird List

After Training or Race is completed CLOSE the Race

Login >> Races Click >> List

Once the Trainer or Race is complete CLICK the Red O

CLICK Back Button to return to Race or Trainer List

CLICK Lost under the Mark in the column title bar

A List of Missing Birds with eligible = Missing will appear.

CLICK Birds in your Public Menu and the Lost or Missing Birds will no longer show or be counted
Eligible Bird List will exactly match the birds you clocked in this trainer

The first time a bird does not clock eligible is changed from Yes to Missing
The second time it does not clock eligible is changed from Missing to Lost

If a bird should return later and you run the Lost script eligible will be change back to Yes

You can run this script at any time after you have closed the Trainer or Race (Clicked the Red O to change it to a Green C)


HANDLER BEWARE - If you click the Lost Link before you have Clocked and Closed the Trainer or Race (ie No Birds Clocked) you will mark every bird on your list Missing or Lost. It can be fixed by Clicking Lost on the previous Trainer or Race to restore the eligible = Yes



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