News and Updates
ACTIVACIóN UPDATE Good morning breeders , I wanted to inform you guys that Tomorrow we are going to be basketing the birds to have are activation race Saturday. The birds look super we had 4 50 miles tosses in order to get them ready for Saturday. Thank you and good luck Saturday.
UPDATE Good morning breeders , benzing is doing an update today and that’s the reason why today’s training hasn’t been uploaded yet. I did a Facebook live of the arrival of the birds That we were attacked by the hawk in the landing board and they went back out to fly again. I wanted to inform you guys about that at the moment we still have birds flying. Unfortunately it hasn’t been the best day with the update and the haw attack but the good news are that the birds are here in the loft. Thank you and have a great day
UPDATE (ACTIVATION RACE) Good afternoon breeders , as you probably seen on wincompanion we have taken the birds twice to 73 miles and they did an excellent job. As of right now I’m planning on doing the Activation Race between the 21st or the 25th of this month which is next week. Prior to the activation the birds will get multiple 50 miles tosses. There’s not a set day as of right now I will let you know the following week the exact day. Thank you and have a great weekend guys.
UPDATE Hi breeders I wanted to provide you guys with an update regarding yesterday loft fly. We loft fly the birds yesterday morning birds were routing some groups were seen a couple of miles from the house. When I started to call the birds in I notice that we are missing a group of around 70 birds that did not come back to the loft. At about 1:15 o had a group of 9 birds arrived and some later in the afternoon. I don’t know what happened or where they went very frustrating. I’m hoping we will get some more back today. After we pull the primaries and started to release birds back out we had some incidents with the hawks and now that I thought that everything was going good this happens. The worse is that the birds are in excellent condition. I have gave my everything to maintain the birds health which they are looking excellent but when we open the loft and they go out everything is out of my control. I want to thank everyone and enjoy the rest of your day.
UPDATE Good morning breeders birds are in excellent condition. It bothers me that we have lost some birds do to the constant hawk attacks. I have tried to hold the birds back , change loft fly times to see if the hawk would give us a break but we still suffering. I’m hoping that  with the birds starting to get in shape will decrease the attacks. With Mother Nature you just never win it frustrate me a lot but I’m hopping that once the birds are in better shape this attacks will not hurt us as much. Thank you have a great day .
UPDATE Good afternoon breeders I wanted to give you guys a Quick update. Birds are looking great so far they seem extremely healthy and happy. I’m no pressuring them yet to fly the objective is for them to feel relax and adapt well to the loft . We have small groups that take off and land then others do the same. Thank you have a great afternoon
UPDATE Hi good afternoon I wanted to inform the breeders that yesterday I separated the loft into 2 groups random. If you see your missing any birds they will probably be on the other group. Guys be patient loft was devided into 2 groups once again. Once both group are settle you will see if your are missing any birds. Thank guys have a great day
UPDATE Good morning breeders this message is to give you guys an update about the Orlando Golden Classic. We are planning to start releasing the birds between spring 30 and may 5 same as last year. I haven’t made an inventory because birds are in wincompanion but still need to update on the benzing program and that should happen the upcoming week in order to start doing the inventories. The birds are very healthy and molting extremely well. I want to wish everyone a good season.
ATTENTION BREEDERS Good morning breeders once again those that did not prepaid their perches or coordinated with me previously please don’t send birds because I’m going have to deposit the check take the money for shipping and ship the birds back with the difference please don’t send more birds. I would love to take everyone’s birds but I don’t have any more room and I don’t want to over crowd. I hope everyone understand thank you and have a good day everyone.
ATTENTION BREEDERS Good morning breeders, I would like to inform everyone that we have officialy reach are maximum capacity and we will only be accepting birds that are already on their way and paid birds. I would like to request for other breeders not to send any more birds because they would be mailed back. I want use this time to thank you all for your support and trust. We are hoping for a great season. Let the games begin 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
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