News and Updates

Training moving along nicely.  We plan to toss again on Monday providing winds calm down.  High winds currently in the mountains.  We plan to do a 90 mile, and 110 mile this upcoming week.  The first Leg of Average speed the 140 mile  on  11/2 or 11/3.  


**Best of luck to Hoosier and all those participating.


Today's toss was cancelled.  I waited until 10:00 for the overcast to lift.  It did not.  The temperature in the desert was reaching high eighties.  I made the call to return  home.  If things could not get even more messed up, my truck quit on me driving home.  High pressure oil pump failure caused the truck to completly shutdown while driving 60 mph.  Fortunately, I was going up the grade and eventually came to a stop.  Lucky for me, I had cell service and AAA was able to tow truck and trailer home safely.  Overcast/fog/low clouds still present.

Training on hold most likely until Monday.  Thuderstorms for tomorrow and possible overcast conditions again Sunday.  


PLease call with any questions.


We had our first toss in the desert yesterday.  It's always a challenge for the birds the first few times.  Later in the week, we plan on starting with mass releases.  Training will now change up to 1-2 days off then we train.  


*Please keep in mind we will be emailing Entry Sheets this year.  We will need everyone who is not attending to send Entry fee along with Entry form filled out.  Sending Entry form back is required.  

Those coming for the race can fill out Monday night.


Good luck to all of you in the OLR in the weeks to come.





Training is on hold today.  Heavy marine layer expected late into the day.  The birds currently are doing very well in their training.  Birds are still released in groups.    We plan on releasing in the desert next week.  Temperatures currently in El centro still very hot.  Mornings are still 75-80 degrees at 6:00 a.m.  The first few times in the desert birds will still be released in groups.  The birds are released at sea level and  need to climb the mountains.  The first few times in the desert  will take some birds hours to navigate home.


We emailed our San Diego Itenary a few times.  We hope you all received.  We also sent out a reservation page for Thanksgiving.  The deadline for Thanksgiving reservations  is October 10.


Have a great weekend.


Please call with any questions.



Training is moving along nicely.  Birds are still liberated in groups of 150-250.  The flocks thus far are doing great, a few circles and they are gone.  Today's toss was a little strange.  Almost all the birds that  returned home came in small groups. All kinds of thoughts..but thats young bird racing.  Clocking times are irrelevant right now as birds are released in groups, and continue to play around.  Once we get out to over 1-1/2 fly time on training tosses  do the birds trap fast.  We will start mass tosses once out 75 miles.  Hopefully, the desert will cool down in a few weeks.  Currently 100+ degrees everyday.  Our current weather conditions are another heat advisery for the next few days.  Hot.  We hope to pick up training again Wednesday.

To all breeders, we sent out via email race itenary.  We also asked for those coming to check the box for confirmation on days coming, and resend via email.  We need all breeders to be on board with this new format.  


Have a great week,

Please call with any questions.



Race Info 2022



Race Info 2022

































We are still on hold with training.  We have been experiencing 100+ degree temparature daily.  At 6:00 a.m, it has been 77-80 degrees the last few days.  This morning we are at 88-90 degrees.   Not much actvity at all the last few days.  When the weather cools down we will resume with our training. 


Please call with any questions.  


Hello breeders,

We have only been able to get in a half week's worth of training due to excessive heat (104 degrees today), expected to last into next week. When temperatures cool down, we will continue training as weather allows.

In the meantime, the birds will start Labor Day weekend with hand inventory. 

Wishing you all a safe and happy Labor Day. Please call with any questions.




Today's clocking/ trainer is cancelled.  Overcast/heavy marine layer throught the valley.  We will post tomorrow.


This past week the birds did very well with their training.  The heat and humidity were much lower than the weeks prior allowing for better flying.    The next few weeks will become more of a challenge, as we start moving the birds into different mountain terrain/valleys.  Hopefully, mother nature will be kind.


Please call with any questions.

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