News and Updates
Good Morning Breeders!
Looks like we will be having another beautiful day here in Central Oregon.  The weather has been mild with daytime highs near 50 degrees and night time temperatures down into the 20s.  Big thank you to everyone supporting this years race!  Please make sure to read through the rules page before reserving perches.
I am excited to start seeing birds arrive in 4 weeks!  I have been working on an interior expansion to the loft which will allow for more space for the birds and a separate feeding area.  The loft interior space is now close to 1900 square feet and the exterior aviary space is close to 900 square feet.  I will be accepting around 1000-1100 birds again this year, so plenty of space for each bird.  
For those breeders that will be entering 5 or more birds in this year's race please plan on sending one backup/reserve bird with your team. 
Everyone that needed a 1099 for last year's winnings should have received them via email or post.  Please get in contact with me ASAP if you did not receive your tax documents.  
I hope breeding is going well and wish everyone the most success in 2022!  Please reach out with any questions.
Take Care
Lucas Cramer
Crooked River Challenge is a proud user of Primalac, Topigeon clocking system, and Ropa B
Good Morning Breeders!
2022 information has all been updated on the website!  Please make sure to read through the rules before reserving perches.  I will start taking pre-paid perch fees after the 1st of the year to confirm reservations and will start accepting birds March 1st.
Lofts have been pressure washed, birds have all been returned, and I only have a few payments left to send out once W9 forms arrive. 
I want to give a big thank you to all those that continue to support this race....I couldn't do it without you all!  
Wishing everyone a successful breeding season and a happy holiday season shared with family and friends.  
Please feel free to reach out with any questions.
Take Care
Crooked River Challenge is a proud user of Primalac, Topigeon clocking system, and Ropa B
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