News and Updates

Good Morning Breeders

Many of you have reached out on returning birds!! Thank you  I will do a inventory off last race and what's home and will start shipping Monday  and Tuesday, We have had about 4-5 birds come home after being loft for a long time in super condition so they had to be in someone's loft  I would say. I know the final is the big race but this year off percent home on each race we were at 91% returns on all 5 races and the final wasn't that great. We were at 52% my worst final in a few years on % Return. Always trying to get better each year and I work hard for you the breeders so I hope you all have a great weekend. Please look at the inventory today!!
Thanks Mark


Good morning Breeders 
Sunday still looks like best Day Saturday lots of wind and Monday lots of wind!! Looking at weather close to same conditions as the 300 they will see 3-4 different wind patterns on there way home. Temps will be in the high 70’s and at loft 2-3pm will be 80’s so not real bad. If anyone is interested in the Gold And Silver options please let me know you will have till the trailer door open we have 4 people right now hoping for more!! We will loft fly today winds are 15 plus today and last Trailer toss will be tomorrow? I will send another email out on Friday or Saturday for another weather update. If you are coming to final please let me know by Friday Night.
Have a great Day

Good Morning Breeders

Congrats to the 8 birds on the drop and congrats to JSR-0027 1st in the hole. There were 9 birds on the drop but one BB wouldn't go in before the 2nd drop came. Don't let 1400 ypm fool you that 1st group worked hard and encountered 3 different winds the whole day.We are happy with 91% home on a good working 300 mile race. Looking at the final Sunday looks like the same kind of day as the 300? We all know how the weather can change here real fast. If anyone is interested in the Gold Silver option please let me know its 100% payout and its clocking order on the 350 Race.If any question please reach out to me on the Options!! The birds look super, the hens took off this morning and no sign of them as I write this email. They balanced back nice after a day of rest. What amazes me we caught then 1 hour down the road and there were 3 groups all about 5 minutes apart heading all on the same line.1st 3 groups all came on line and many came out of the west so that SE wind must have pushed them more than I thought. We are up 70 new birds  in the loft and many more coming the next 2 months so get them coming. As always I will ship all money winners out June 4th and the rest the next week when shipping comes in $60.00 for one bird $10.00 each bird unless you have more than 3 its double.I like to ship right away  so people see how the birds handled after 6 weeks of racing and what condition there in right after the final. I hope you all have a Great Memorial weekend with Family and Friends.
Thanks Mark

Good Morning Breeders

Congrats to the 8 birds on the drop and congrats to Joe Zarachowicz 1st to clock!! Speed were good 1538 ypm  but a difficult race I believe do to a warmer day? When the birds entered the valley it was 78 degrees not to hot but when all your races and training are 60-70 Degrees it doesn't help them By 3pm we were 88 Degrees . We got  84% home from the 250 not like the other 3 races we were in the 90's but the 250,300,350 are much more challenging. They really have to think to take the right openings if not they end up  in twin or utah. But happy with the birds they kept coming and we have 188 home. The mishap on showing birds on 1st drop was on me I checked the drop  and it isn't uploading to wincompion so I hit upload again right when the 2nd drop of 16 hit landing board so I think that messed it up, I looked at topigeon site before I did that and seen the 8 were in and uploaded. We will loft fly the next few days then train 2 times before the 300 mile race is looking like Friday Release. Birds are looking and acting great They will be ready for the 300. If Weather holds we will have the Final 350 on Sunday June 2nd love to see you come and enjoy the final!!
Thanks Mark

Good Morning Breeders

Congratulations to the 1st drop they worked hard, not an easy day for sure!! congrats to top 4 and Racing Pigeon Mall 1st in the trap. Yesterday's weather was very close to what it predicted at Release was perfect, A  2-3 mile head wind until the last 60 miles had a very strong WNW wind up to 20-25 Mph and very cloudy. The 1st 3 groups stayed close to being on line about 60 birds then the rest came straight out of the east into a 20-25 mph head wind. So your birds did super!! dont like loosen 36 birds but more will be home today and I will get them ready for the 250 mile race next week sometime, We have hot days coming in the 80's and the birds will have to  adapt for sure. Hope you all have a great weekend with the Family.
Thanks Mark
Good Morning Breeders
Weather has taken a bad turn the next 3-4 days we have rain and winds over 30 mph!! The next Race will be either Tuesday or Wednesday? Higher cross winds on Tuesday so I will keep you all updated. As of 9amthere will be 5 birds for sale they will be under PNWC if your interested to add to your team please let me know. Birds will
Stay in the next few days until these high winds clam down. The New loft for the 2025 Yearling race is open to send birds same rules No perch fees until 121 mile activation April 2025.

Good Afternoon Breeders

Did a 60 mile toss today. The birds did well I waited 15 minutes for hens and  they smoked the cocks had a mess when I got home birds were happy (cocks-hens) LOL. Still have a few out enjoying the day they will come in soon I hope. They had a bath today and ready for the 150 Tuesday!! I have just over 60% paid entries. Please get me the Entries in ASP if I talked to you your good if I don't have your money by Friday birds will be sold and if not I will pull them before the 200 mile race. The past 7-8 years This hasn't been a problem on receiving entry's. Again paid entry's if they don't ship on Monday Night your paid entry will be refunded. I sent email out yesterday on not doing YB race that I hoped would take off but  It's back to the yearling race loft is open May 1sy till Aug 16th and the loft will take 1800 easy. Everything is the same NO PERCH UP FRONT and the only change is entry is $300.00 and doing a 380-400 mile final. Best of luck on Tuesday and hope you have a great week.
Thanks Mark

Good Morning Breeders

Well my new Race has 5 weeks still open and it’s not going very well!! 50 birds in the loft isn’t going to work so I have decided to drop the up front $500 and go just with $125 perch fees. I will not cancel the race even if I have 100 birds but I won’t guarantee $310k with only 100-200 birds.I thought we wouldn’t have a problem getting 500 birds but possible the format might have been to high for many breeders is my guess. So loft will be opened till May 31st and you can send as many birds  as you want at $125 perch fee. Please if you have concerns please call me and we can talk about it. 208-484-4752. I hope you have a great weekend
Thanks Mark 
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