Hoosier Classic - Loft Fly

Station: Loft Fly - T Race

Distance: 1 Miles

Release: 30-Apr-2024 11:00

Weather Release:    Arrival:

Wind at Release:     Wind at Arrival:

Temp at Release: °    Temp at Arrival: °

Lofts: 553

Birds: 3618

Clocked: 2687

Good Luck to Everyone!
Drops Pos Breeder Pigeon Name Color Sex Team Ent Arrival Speed To Win Elg PdKOLCGoldPlatinum
17 Younan 's Loft - IL 6464-AU24-CHIC BWF H 0 1 12:29:07.33 19.7482 00:04:16 Yes
92 Younan 's Loft - IL 6471-AU24-CHIC BB H 0 2 12:32:41.96 18.9861 00:07:51 Yes
119 Younan 's Loft - IL 6472-AU24-CHIC BB H 0 3 12:34:18.32 18.6628 00:09:27 Yes
194 Younan 's Loft - IL 6467-AU24-CHIC BB C 0 4 12:41:44.87 17.2977 00:16:53 Yes
559 Younan 's Loft - IL 6482-AU24-CHIC CH H 0 5 13:23:55.32 12.2288 00:59:04 Yes
1599 Younan 's Loft - IL 6465-AU24-CHIC BSP C 0 6 13:59:11.03 9.8223 01:34:20 Yes
1819 Younan 's Loft - IL 6474-AU24-CHIC CH H 0 7 13:59:53.52 9.7836 01:35:02 Yes

There are 2687 bird records

Note: These Race Results are unofficial and subject to change until verified by the Race Committee and declared final.